Gender Nation
Thank you for donating to Gender Nation! Your donation will go towards the purchase of LGBTQ+ inclusive books for school libraries. If you prefer to choose which book to donate, purchase a book from our Amazon List and we’ll deliver it for you. Gender Nation does not receive any commission on the books purchased through Amazon.
If you donate directly to Gender Nation, please keep this information for your records:
Gender Nation
4208 Overland Ave.
Culver City, CA 90230
Tax ID #81-2417437
For reference, here’s what your donation helps Gender Nation do:
** This amount puts us 1/4 of the way toward our big goal of raising 20k before the start of the next school year!
If you don’t have a PayPal account and would like to use your credit card, you can still donate via PayPal without opening an account. Finally, Gender Nation welcomes gifts made in honor of a loved one. If you’d like your donation recorded as a tribute to a loved one, email [email protected].